OAS (On-Access Scan) shows malware detection flow during On-Access Scan, i.e. when objects are accessed during open, copy, run or save operations.
ODS (On Demand Scanner) shows malware detection flow during On-Demand Scan, when the user manually selects the ’Scan for viruses’ option in the context menu.
MAV (Mail Anti-Virus) shows malware detection flow during Mail Anti-Virus scan when new objects appear in an email application (Outlook, The Bat, Thunderbird). The MAV scans incoming messages and calls OAS when saving attachments to a disk.
WAV (Web Anti-Virus) shows malware detection flow during Web Anti-Virus scan when the html page of a website opens or a file is downloads. It checks the ports specified in the Web Anti-Virus settings.
IDS (Intrusion Detection System) shows network attacks detection flow.
VUL (Vulnerability Scan) shows vulnerability detection flow.
KAS (Kaspersky Anti-Spam) shows suspicious and unwanted email traffic discovered by Kaspersky’s Reputation Filtering technology.
BAD (Botnet Activity Detection) shows statistics on identified IP-addresses of DDoS-attacks victims and botnet C&C servers. These statistics were acquired with the help of the DDoS Intelligence system (part of the solution Kaspersky DDoS Protection).
RMW (Ransomware) shows ransomware detection flow.